What type of schools are available to foreigners in Los Cabos?
The Los Cabos area offers many different types of education options for your family, These include public schools, private and international schools. There is also Homeschooling that is an option and it is also allowed in Mexico. While options are many, most expats choose to place their children in a private school, these are bilingual schools and are the choice of many parents because the public schools are often crowded.
The public school system in Los Cabos is good. Students must attend school and Attendance is mandatory for all students from 6 to 15 years old. Basic education starts with pre-primary school for children between the ages of 3 to 5 years, elementary school for children between the ages of 6 to 12 years and secondary school for those children from 13 to 15years old.
Once Students reach the age of 16 they are given the option to continue higher education schooling at the high school level. In High School there are two degree options. The first being a qualified technician degree, also known as profesional tecnico, This degree is chosen by less than 10 percent of all High School students. The other degree that is possible is a high-school diploma, or bachillerato, this is the much more popular option.
The new school year in Mexico starts in mid-August and ends in early July and, by law, must be a minimum of 200 days.
Many expats have chosen to enroll their children in an international school, one such school is Colegio el Camino, This international school provides K-12 programs. International schooling is available for students from elementary school through post-compulsory school. If you wish your child to be prepared for college, American college entrance examinations (SAT, ACT and AP) are available as an option at most international schools.
Many of these international schools also offer the globally recognized International Baccalaureate (IB) Program or they may offer the Cambridge IGCSE in lieu of that. Instruction is generally conducted in English and Spanish. If your child receives Certification from one of these schools it is accepted worldwide for university entrance.

Experiences of friends here in Baja
First off let me tell you about a few experiences from friends enrolling children here in Cabo. The first being an average B, C student in California, When he came to Los Cabos he was shocked at what the kids education level was here.
The administrator starts telling the student and his father that the 8th grade students had just finished a thesis on the american economy versus the chinese economy . The administrator was also very willing to help the new student catch up to the currently enrolled students at his grade level.
The teaching is done mostly in English with spanish tutoring for the english speaking children. The curriculum is very well rounded and helps children be prepared for the next level of education.
Another friend moved here when his son was becoming a sophomore in High School, after a hard year he really enjoyed and exceled here in Mexico. in middle of his senior year he had been accepted to every college he had applied to in the United States. This child would never have been accepted to Universities like this had he stayed in the United States school system. We are talking UCSD, UCSB, Arizona State to name a few that he was accepted to.
I highly recommend the school system here in Los Cabos.
Schools in Cabo San Lucas
Colegio Amaranto International School
Address: Km. 6.7 Carretera Transpeninsular s/n Col. El Tezal C.P. 23454 Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S México
Phone: +52 (624) 145-8700
Contact Page: http://amaranto.edu.mx/en/contact-us/
Website: http://amaranto.edu.mx/es/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColegioAmaranto
Education Levels: Smart Start (nursery school), Preschool, Elementary
Founded in 1996, Colegio Amaranto is a bilingual international school committed to recognizing and building the individual talents of their students as well as strengthening their interpersonal skills.
Colegio El Camino
Address: Callejón del Jorongo 210, Col. El Pedregal, Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. Mexico
Phone: +52 (624) 143-2100
Contact Page: http://elcamino.edu.mx/contact-us/
Website: http://elcamino.edu.mx/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colegioelcaminio?fref=ts
Education Levels: Nursery, Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School
Colegio El Camino is a Private K-12, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization civil association. There are currently 350 students. Most of the students are Mexican nationals but there are also many international families. El Camino enjoys international accreditation with both AdvancED and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. They are registered with the Secretaría de Educación Pública and they are currently a candidate school with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program.
Colegio LICEO / Colegio Papalotl
Address: Campus Centro: 5 de Febrero e/I Zaragoza y M. Ocampo Col Ejidal Cabo San Lucas, BCS
Campus Tezal: Fracc. 1A Y1B acceso Ppal, del Tezal Col Tezal, Cabo San Lucas, BCS
Phone: (624) 143-1636 Campus Centro; (624) 105-9000 Campus Tezal
Contact Page: http://www.liceoloscabos.edu.mx/contacto/
Website: http://www.liceoloscabos.edu.mx/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colegiopapalotl/?fref=ts
General info: Education Levels: Nursery, Elementary, Middle School, High School
Intro Paragraph: Colegio LICEO is a bilingual educational institution committed to developing future leaders capable of improving their own communities and society at large. Educational programs offered at LICEO include constructive mathematics, music, art, physical education, extracurricular activities, and an after school program. LICEO hires highly qualified staff and uses cutting-edge technology on its campus. There are also security cameras and nursing facilities on campus to keep students safe and healthy.
Colegio Peninsula
Address: Vista al Mar S/N Fracc. Brisas del Pacífico, Cabo San Lucas, BCS
Phone: (624) 105-0565 / (624) 146-4117 / (624) 143-3088
Email: colegiopeninsula@hotmail.com / admisiones@colegiopeninsula.edu.mx
Website: www.colegiopeninsula.edu.mx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cole.peninsula?fref=ts
Education Levels: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School
General Info: Colegio Peninsula is equipped with a highly trained staff and adequate facilities for different educational levels, including laboratories, library, recreation areas, cafeteria and more. Colegio Peninsula has joined with the UNO International system, a program based on developing thinking skills. In partnership with Animal Planet, Colegio Peninsula usues educational software to improve students’ knowledge in both Spanish and English and the school uses Ipads for technical support. Colegio Peninsula also has an English certification from the University of Cambridge.
Delmar International School
Address: Paseo del Sol, El Tezal, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. CP: 23454
Phone: (624) 131 5002 / (624) 105 9357
Email: info@delmarschool.edu.mx
Website: http://www.delmarschool.edu.mx/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/delmarschool/
General info: Education Levels: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School
Delmar International School is a bilingual institution that focuses on academic excellence and creating future leaders to make a better society. According to Delmar’s website, the institution is inspired by a “Christian vision of life, aimed at promoting personal growth through the practice of moral virtues.” The campus also has many modern facilities including smart classrooms, a robotics workshop, and an Olympic pool.
Instituto Baldor
Address: Carretera Transpeninsular KM.7.7 Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.
Phone: (624) 104-3700
Email: direccion_general@institutobaldor.edu.mx
Website: www.institutobaldor.edu.mx
General Info: Education Levels: Elementary, Middle School, High School
Intro Paragraph: Founded in 2004, Instituto Baldor is committed to developing the intellectual and social skills of its students so that they will grow up to be leaders in creating a better future. Students are taught to respect one another regardless of social status or religious beliefs. Baldor has a diverse student body and the school honors this diversity by celebrating various holidays.
Baldor was one of the first schools in the area to offer an MBA tourism management program because Los Cabos is a favorite for tourists visiting Mexico. Students have also won first place in Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics competitions.
Instituto Peninsular
Address: Carretera Transpeninsular Km. 6.5 S/N. Col. El Tezal Cabo San Lucas 23410
Phone: (624) 104-3454
Facebook Message: https://www.facebook.com/InstitutoPeninsularOficial/home
Website: http://institutopeninsular.edu.mx/principal/INICIO.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InstitutoPeninsularOficial/home
Education Levels: Middle School, High School
General Info: Instituto Peninsular’s goal is help shape young people into becoming spiritually strong, technical, and scientific adults that will have a positive impact locally and globally. Peninsular provides tutoring, a library with tech consultations, and science labs. Instituto Peninsular is sponsored by the Letty Coppel Foundation and associated with the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education.
Instituto Samarin
Address: Narciso Mendoza No. 2708 esq. Álvaro Obregón Col. Juárez C.P. 23469
Phone: (624) 143-3169 / (624) 143-2017
Email: relacionespublicas@institutosamarin.com
Website: http://www.institutosamarin.com/index.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/instituto.samarin/
Education Levels: Nursery, Preschool, Elementary
General Info: Instituto Samarin supports the academic and personal development of its students through highly qualified instructors, bilingual education, a positive school community, modern technology, and cultural and artistic activities. With about ten years of experience, Instituto Samarin is committed to helping students develop into people who will challenge the status quo to create a more inclusive and fair society. Instead of making all students uniform, they believe that each student must be allowed to follow their own path and it is the school’s job to support them.
Schools in San Jose del Cabo
Centro Escolar Picacho (Colegio McGregor)
Address: Colegios en Los Cabos. Carretera Transpeninsular km 24.8 col Cerro Colorado, San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur. Código Postal 23400.
Phone: +52 (624) 144-5595
Email: info@cepicacho.edu.mx
Website: www.cepicacho.edu.mx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Centro-Escolar-Picacho/509583065802629
Education Levels: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School
General info: With over twenty years of experience, Centro Escolar Picacho is an educational institution that prides itself on the bilingual and multicultural education it provides to its students. Picacho has foreign and Mexican national instructors committed to providing a high level of academic training, promoting human, social, intellectual and transcendent values, and developing critical thinking skills. C
entro Escolar Picacho thinks locally and globally by educating students with the hopes of building a better country and having a positive impact on the world in general.
Colegio Alebrije
Address: Guadalupe Victoria s/n (entre Vicente Guerrero y Francisco I. Madero) Col. San José Viejo, San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico C.P. 23437
Phone: (624) 146-0252
Email: direccion@colegioalebrije.com
Website: http://colegioalebrije.com/index.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Alebrije.Colegio/
Education Levels: Nursery, Preschool, Elementary, Middle School
General info: Colegio Alebrije is a bilingual institution committed to the intellectual, cultural, technological, and moral growth of its students. Programs offered at Colegio Alebrije include English, physical education, music, art, ecology, and human development.
Uniforms are required for all student but can be bought on campus along with books and supplies. Alebrije also has a lot of green areas and modern facilities, and every classroom is spacious and air conditioned.
Colegio Ugarte de Los Cabos
Address: Calle Julia Navarrete y Guerrero No. 1430 Colonia Mauricio Castro, San José del Cabo C.P.23400 B.C.S.
Phone: (624) 142-6235 / (624) 142-0935
Contact Page: http://www.colegiougarte.net/contacto.html
Website: http://www.colegiougarte.net/index.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colegiougarteloscabos
Education Levels: Elementary, Middle School, High School
General info: Colegio Ugarte de Los Cabos is an educational community that promotes Christian humanist ideals forging leaders with high academic standards and social conscience to respond to current and future challenges through transforming their environment in a positive way. On their shield are the words “order, work, joy” and they use these values in their facilities and the way they educate children.
Montessori Regina
Address: Nicolas Tamaral, Lote 5. Mza. 8, 3 blocks from Kinesis Gym, Col. Chamizal || San José del Cabo, B.C.S.
Phone: (624) 146-9401
Email: info@montessoriregina.com
Website: http://montessoriregina.com/en
Education Levels: Preschool, Bilingual Elementary
General info: Montessori Regina is the first Montessori preschool/elementary school established in the city of San Jose del Cabo. Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development.
Montessori Regina works with children aged 1.5 to 6 years old.
Colegio Mission
Address: Libramiento Fonatur – Aeropuerto KM. 119.5 Club Campestre Campo de Golf, 23400 San José del Cabo, B.C.S.
Phone: (624) 142 5609
Email: aidee@colegiomission.edu.mx
Website: https://colegiomission.edu.mx/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColegioMission/
Education Levels: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School
General info: We offer a pedagogical alternative in which students develop their mind, body and spirit with a purposeful and creative sense in an optimal environment for growth and learning; founded on RESPECT, HONESTY, RESPONSIBILITY and COOPERATION.
The academic project of Colegio Mission is bilingual and promotes the development of Multiple Intelligences, thus we ensure Comprehensive Training in each of our students.
A few of our agents have children of varying ages in the Los Cabos School System, please check out our agents page to see more…